"Diipetes" was founded as
a quarterly
journal at the end
of "1991". Until
June "2001", 39
issues have been
published (ISSN 1106-1695).
Since 1993, "Diipetes"
has also been a
cultural association
(the name means
"Sent by Zeus"). The
journal, recently
having turned bimonthly,
has a
circulation of
2000 copies and is entirely
written in Greek, but
we include FREE
advertisements of foreign
pagan, heathen
and / or ethnic journals
in order to make the
other polytheistic
traditions known to
our readers (YOU are
welcome to send your
An international subscription
of 6 issues
costs US$ 24 (or the
equivalent in any
EU currency, cheques
payable to
Costas Kehagias).
Send all correspondence
Box 31047, GR-10035 Athens
Exchange publications
or review copies
of books must be alternatively
sent to DIIPETES, PO Box 20037, GR-11810 Athens,
Hellas (Greece) where stands an archive and
a future documentation center.
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της Πνυκός για να διαβάσετε ΟΛΑ τα
περιεχόμενα των παλαιών τευχών μας
CLICK on the Pnyx
Tribune below, to
read (in greek) ALL the contents
of our back issues